Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Manager

Albert Obiols,  postgraduated in Big Data Management and Analytics,  Computer Science Engineer and Diplomat in Computer Systems all of them at the UPC – Barcelona Tech. He is currently head of the Data Science Area of the inLab FIB, where he works since 1993.  He has been working in several projects for the University,  as for other institutions and companies. His fields of expertise are based on the data analysis and visualization, Big Data technologies, databases, web technologies,  Android native mobile applications and  academic management.

Final Degree Projects directed

Main projects directed

GeoActio created a people counting system inside the bus and implemented a set of algorithms to deeply analyze the data obtained.
inlab FIB participates in the Advanced Digital Technologies in Cybersecurity project, collaborating with the Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia and the i2Cat Foundation, implementing an artificial intelligence module to classify and extract information from security incidents.
Development of a threat detection and incident management module for ICT infrastructures.

Main projects participated

The inLab FIB participates in the project for the creation of a Communication Coach for executives and companies together with the communication professionals of the company Commly.
The inLab FIB collaborates with Kemchain in a project to improve technical document management in the chemical sector using artificial intelligence. Kemchain, created in 2023, has developed a SaaS platform that automates the document lifecycle, increasing efficiency and security in chemical business processes.
An AI system that generates rose images from a sketch and a brief description. The result is an image with one or more roses that follows the shape of the sketch and tries to reflect the descriptive text.

Blog articles