Collaborating Professor in Modeling and Simulation: Digital Twin

Ph.D. in Statistics and Operations Research from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Professor of the Statistics and Operations Research department at the UPC, teaching in the field of Simulation, Data Processing, Operations Research and Statistics. At InLab FIB he leads simulation projects related to industrial and environmental fields. He has more than 25 years of experience in projects related to modeling and simulation and is the author of more than 100 academic articles related to this area. He is member of Committee 4.0 of the professional associations of engineers of Catalonia, and codirector of the master’s degree in Industry 4.0 of Fundació UPC ( He is also co-founder of a company, Polyhedra Tech (, focused on provide tools and solution in the frame of Simulation, Environmental Modeling and Industry 4.0.

Final Degree Projects directed

App for the management of mentoring meetings


Main projects directed

Generate a web application to analyze alternatives and define a work methodology that allows establishing a common framework for the different specialists.
Hybrid infrastructure that supports running a simulation model in the cloud

Main projects participated

Development of an application to manage mentoring meetings and collect evidence of the methodology to evaluate the impact.

Blog articles
