Cybersecurity Manager

Antonia Gómez (MSc in Computer Science) is a computer engineer from the FIB. She is currently responsible for the inLab FIB Cybersecurity Projects area. She was responsible for the Systems, Classrooms and Communications (ASAC) area of inLab FIB where he led the design, implementation and integration of the FIB’s ICT infrastructure. His areas of interest are: systems integration, virtualization techniques, cloud computing, high availability environments, authentication systems and ICT systems security and services.

Main projects directed

Kubernetes hosting platform (DESKUBE)

inLab FIB collaborates with Ilimit in the development of a new platform for its customers to deploy their applications in a flexible and secure way.

Main projects participated

inlab FIB participates in the Advanced Digital Technologies in Cybersecurity project, collaborating with the Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia and the i2Cat Foundation, implementing an artificial intelligence module to classify and extract information from security incidents.
Support European CERT and CSIRT networks by detecting, sharing, responding and recovering from cyber security threats and vulnerabilities.