At the Academic Act of the Degree in Computer Engineering promotion 2022-2023, which was held in two sessions on November 10 and 24, Ernest Teniente, Director of inLab FIB, released the accreditations to the graduates of the Talent Program who graduated in the academic year 2022-2023. The students who this year have achieved this recognition are: Carla Canovas Iglesias, Daniel Vega Quilcat, Francesc Holly i Miró, en Guillem Garcia Gil, Hèctor Godoy Creus, Ignasi Fibla Figuerola, Laia Vallés Guilera, Oriol Duran Abello, Oriol Deiros Tort and Xavier Gordillo i Ramos.
inLab FIB incorporates training in a real learning environment as an objective of its own mission through the Talent training program. The mission of this program is to achieve a comprehensive training of the student that complements the one obtained with the ordinary studies through their incorporation to a real learning environment and the development of transversal competencies such as teamwork, responsibility, critical attitude or commitment and involvement, among others. Through the program, and thanks to the support of the sponsoring companies, students enjoy financial aid and participate in the development of innovative projects in the ICT field, improving their skills and competencies with the support of professional tutors.
Talent accreditation is awarded to students who have participated for a significant time in the program and who have acquired the required competencies.

Ernest Teniente, director of inLab FIB, during the academic ceremony of the 2022-2023 academic year.
Students in the Talent Program – Course 2023 – 2024
- Total number of students tutored in the last 10 academic years: 519
- Total number of students tutored during the 2022 – 2023 academic year: 53
- New students in Talent: 19
- TFG/PFC inside Talent: 12
- Industrial doctorates: 2
- Graduates with Talent recognition: 10 Degree in Computer Engineering.