CEO: Statistical web operations

Duration of the project:
September, 2007 –
July, 2010
Project Manager
inLab FIB Team:
Areas of expertise involved in the project
CEO: Statistical web operations


The Center for Opinion Studies (Centre d’Estudis d’Opinió (CEO) in Catalan) has contacted inLab for the development of a web application that allows, on the one hand, to perform query and analysis operations on the CEO’s data matrices and, on the other hand, to facilitate the management of the surveys and their related data by CEO staff.

The CEO is an autonomous body of the Generalitat de Catalunya that reports to the Department of Economy and Finance. It is responsible for conducting surveys on voting intentions, evaluations of parties, and political leaders within its exclusive competence. It also controls the technical aspects of the studies carried out by the other departments, manages the Register of Opinion Polls and disseminates the results of the studies carried out.

The following tools are being developed to achieve this objective:

  • An information management tool. Specifically, the information to be managed will be:
    • The matrices associated with a survey.
    • Survey’s Q&A.
    • The response typology manager.
    • Specific data manager of the surveys such as the thematic area to which they belong or the type of variable.
  • An operations tool: by integrating the R statistical program, it will be possible to perform both basic statistical operations (mean, median, maximum, minimum, mode and deviation) and more complex operations (segmentation, weighting, selection, recoding of variables, contingency tables and comparison of means) on the matrices stored in the system.
  • Application for uploading HTML questionnaires to the CEO’s website.
  • Feasibility study of the application of the CEO in artificial intelligence.