Founder and former director

Professor Josep Casanovas (Ph.D. in Computer Science, Industrial Engineer, MSc in Economics) was the head of inLab FIB (from 2012 to 2020), formerly called LCFIB, at Barcelona School of Informatics. He is a full professor of the Statistics and Operations Research Department at UPC.

His main research areas are Modelling and Simulation, Internet and Information Systems. He is the author of numerous research articles and other kinds of publications and has collaborated in the development of many projects for the European Union and other companies and institutions.

Between 1998 and 2004 he was dean of the Barcelona School of Informatics. In addition, Prof. Casanovas has been vice-rector of university policies of the Technical University of Catalonia (2006-2011) with responsibilities in strategic projects like the definition of new university governance models, reformulation of university departmental structure or design and promotion of the new Diagonal-Besos Campus in Barcelona. He was also responsible for ICT policies at UPC.

Currently, Josep Casanovas is co-director of LogiSim (Centre of Simulation and Optimization of Logistic Systems) and coordinator of the Severo Ochoa Research Excellence Program in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS).

Final Degree Projects directed

Optimization of transport for special education centers in Barcelona


Main projects directed

Achieve the deployment of cross-border and operable Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for all users using European roads

Main projects participated

Promote innovation by facilitating cooperation between public bodies, academia and the robot manufacturing industry