ACA: Statistical study on the consumption of water for domestic use

Duration of the project:
September, 2006 –
December, 2007
Project Manager
inLab FIB Team:
Areas of expertise involved in the project
ACA: Statistical study on the consumption of water for domestic use


The Catalan Water Agency (CWA) contacted inLab FIB to ask them for a statistical study on water consumption, given their expertise in data collection and subsequent study.

The aim of the project is to find out whether domestic water consumption has decreased or increased during the period 2004-2006, based on the data provided by the Entitat Subministradora (ES) on the water consumption billed to households. The study deals with consumption from 26 municipalities in Catalonia.

This project not only allows us to detect how water consumption has varied over this period, but also allows us to carry out an analysis to find out why this consumption has decreased or increased.