Donar suport en una prova pilot al carrer sobre Transport a la Demanda que es duu a terme per un grup de socis de CARNET
Oriol Serch is a researcher at inLab FIB UPC in the Smart Mobility group, collaborating in projects related to dynamic traffic models and data analytics. He’s been the project manager of several CARNET projects (Connected Car, CitEffects). He got his Degree in Computer Science by UPC in 2008 and completed the Master’s degree in Statistics and Operations Research by UPC in 2014. He has focused his career towards the world of data. Since 2009, he has participated in several R+D projects focused in traffic data analytics, routing algorithms, traffic simulation, electro mobility and in the application of optimization models at UPC, CENIT (Center for Innovation in Transport) and IREC (Catalonia Institute for Energy Research).