Knowledge and Service Engineering

Description of Knowledge and Service Engineering

We are specialists in knowledge representation and management, while implementing information systems, or data integration systems, regardless of their domain.

  • Semantic data modeling: ontologies, conceptual models, business rule detection and metamodeling.

  • Automated reasoning: inference of new data from existing data, generation of valid test data.

  • Integration: integration of data or systems.

  • Requirements engineering: detection of user needs both in terms of data and processes.

  • Service engineering and business process management: design and development of solutions for service and process management.

  • Web technologies: design and development of web-based applications.

Knowledge and Service Engineering Success Stories

SEAT has contacted inLab FIB and LaCàN to raise the possibility of developing a joint project to scale the use of ARCO and the ePGD library, currently validated for simple models, to solve NVH parametric problems with a realistic car geometry.
SUDOQU (enSUring Data with Ontological QUality) is a research project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the objective of which is the development of techniques to ensure data quality through the use of ontologies.
Foxtenn Technologies is a technology company specialized in sporting events. The company has created a technology capable of determining with maximum precision the bounce of the ball.
The objective of this project is to analyze the circulation time between the different significant points of the network.
Electronic voting platform with Blockchain technology, designed for collective consultation and decision-making processes of both public bodies and private entities.
Open-source library for computing model substitutes based on partial differential equations.
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