Sitmun 3 Gallery for Diputació de Barcelona

Duration of the project:
May, 2021 –
November, 2021
Project Manager
inLab FIB Team:
Areas of expertise involved in the project
Sitmun 3 Gallery for Diputació de Barcelona


Barcelona Provincial Council has the Municipal Territorial Information System (SITMUN). This system makes available to town councils and other local authorities in the province of Barcelona, cartography produced by different administrations and various functionalities aimed at facilitating territorial management and decision making.

inLab FIB participated in the development of SITMUN, as explained in the project “Mòdul SITMUN per a la gestió d’incidències a la via pública”. (

The Diputació has been developing several versions of SITMUN and currently has version 2. But now it is time to develop a new version with the aim, on the one hand, of improving the functionalities of SITMUN 2 and, on the other hand, of updating the architecture. In SITMUN version 3 they want to develop an architecture making a light frontend, a strong backend and a communication of the two via API Rest.

The main objective of this service is to test the SITMUN3 API by developing two functionalities:

  • The first is a gallery of use cases where you can see the API calls that need to be made, with the corresponding parameters, and the result of the call.
  • The second functionality is a prototype of the viewer, for this a frontend will be developed with some of the functionalities that SITMUN3 will have, but unlike the gallery that shows the functionalities one by one, here all the functionalities will be integrated in the viewer.


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