SAGIT: Computer system for the academic management of the Institut del Teatre

Duration of the project:
March, 2004 –
January, 2006
Project Manager
inLab FIB Team:
Areas of expertise involved in the project
SAGIT: Computer system for the academic management of the Institut del Teatre


The SAGIT is the computer system for the academic management of theInstitut del Teatre that was carried out from inLab FIB, given its previous experience in the academic management of FIB, of the two schools that belonged to the Consortium of the Industrial School of Barcelona and that also served for the realization of the Academic Management System of the UPC called PRISMA.

The objective of the project was to develop a computer system that would not only computerize academic management processes, but also be the nucleus of an information system that would allow, in the future, to introduce other degrees or courses developed at the Institut del Teatre.

Institut del Teatre is made up of schools, centers and territorial centers that provide studies aimed at the training of various professions related to the performing arts and that carry out research, documentation and dissemination activities.