
Duration of the project:
April, 2015 –
April, 2016
Project Manager
Areas of expertise involved in the project


GN6 is the ticket manager used by most of the UPC units. Although the idea is that the tickets are created by the users directly on the web, many times the incidents arrive via email and an IT technician (the “dispatcher”) is the one who has to manually enter them into the ticketing system.

Our system wants to get the mails sent to a certain address to be automatically converted into tickets, taking advantage of the web services already provided by GN6 for this purpose.

And going further, the system could become intelligent enough to classify the incident so that it arrives directly to the resolving team, reducing the work of the dispatcher and speeding up the whole process.

Articles and presentations

Aquest projecte s’ha presentat com a projecte Nexus 24 i ha estat acceptat.