Company Communication in Social Media (CEXS) for Seidor

Duration of the project:
January, 2019 –
December, 2021
Funded by
Project Manager
inLab FIB Team:
Areas of expertise involved in the project
Company Communication in Social Media (CEXS) for Seidor


The CEXS project consists of a system for analysing the behavioural patterns of companies on the different social networks (Twitter and Instagram) and the possibility of comparison with the behaviour of the sector to which they belong.

The system will give a ‘score’ or CEXS score to a given company, based on an algorithm that will give a grade, which will be referenced to how the sector to which the company belongs behaves in a given social network and to the ‘best practices’ within the sector.

Therefore, the objective of the project is the creation of an AaaS (Analytics as a Service) environment that allows the platform’s client users to analyse and compare the social media activity of their companies and/or competitors.

L’inLab FIB has made the design and development of CEXS.


Poster summarising the project: