Collaborating Professor in Smart Mobility

Doctor in Computer Science by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona (1993). Since 1998 she is associate professor (tenure position) of the department of Statistics and Operations Research of the UPC.

In 1985 joins LIOS (Laboratori d’Investigació Operativa i Simulació) that in 1997 merged with other research groups at UPC to set up PROMALS (Programació Matemàtica, Logística i Simulació). In January 2014, she joins CIT UPC as a member of the consolidated research group certified by the Catalan Government for 2014-2016 (AGAUR, official agency) MPI (Modeling and Data Processing). Experience in transport and mobility consulting at ALG (Advanced Logistics Group) in international projects funded by the World Bank and the IDB.

Her research focuses on demand modeling and transportation and mobility analytics. Specialist in the application of statistics to transportation planning, demand modeling, traffic management and other transportation-related issues. She has presented around 100 papers at scientific conferences.

She has actively participated in the research of traffic models and microscopic simulation through participation as a partner in projects within national R&D&I programs and the European Union. Founding partner of TSS (currently AIMSUN), a UPC spin-off company for the marketing of the AIMSUN microscopic simulator.

Final Degree Projects directed

Design and application of a PID controller-based algorithm for a dynamic congestion and emission pricing scenario in Barcelona


Main projects directed

ITS Spain is a non-profit Association founded in 2002 with the objective of uniting the public, private and academic sectors related to Intelligent Transportation Systems

Main projects participated

Achieve the deployment of cross-border and operable Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for all users using European roads
Participate in an open hub of knowledge around mobility and automotive initiated by SEAT, Volkswagen Group Research and the UPC, simulating new concepts of urban mobility

Blog articles