Josep Ramon
Aquesta persona ha acabat la seva estada amb nosaltres a l’inLab FIB
Josep Ramon
J.R. Herrero holds a position as Associate Professor in the Computer Architecture Department at UPC, BarcelonaTech. Graduated in Computer Science (FIB 1993), Cambridge Proficiency in English (UC, 1994), Postgraduate in Training of University Professors (ICE 1997) and PhD in Computer Science (DAC, UPC 2006).

He has been teaching in the Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB) since 1994. He has taught thirteen different courses corresponding to three different areas (Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, and Parallel Programming), from first-year mandatory subjects to advanced master-level subjects. He has also taught courses at the UPC school in Vilanova i la Geltrú in 1993/94, and the University of Reading, UK (2007). He has tutored students through programs such as ProFEDI, InterCampus, and HPC-Europe and has directed more than thirty final projects or master thesis. He is coauthor of multiple teaching publications and has participated in several teaching innovation projects and the making of two curricula for the FIB. J.R. Herrero has received the Teaching Activity Certification from AQU (2007) and the teaching mention for outstanding quality (UPC 2009). He has provided counseling in curriculum making at the National University of Engineering (UNI), Nicaragua, in 1996. He is part of the working team “Parallel Computing (Supercomputing) Education in Europe: State-of-Art” of Informatics Europe since 2012. He is collaborating with inlab FIB, an innovation and research lab based in the Barcelona School of Informatics, where he leads the Telefónica I+D’s uLab at UPC, and acts as Academic Director of Security and ICT Infrastructures within the Talent training program. He is also member of the inLab’s Talent Program Advisory Board.

He has carried out the duties of Vice-Dean Head of Academic Studies in the Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB), (06/2010-06/2013), coordinating the implementation of the Degree in Informatics Engineering. Since then, he acts as Vice-dean for Institutional and International Relations, also at Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB).

He has combined these management and teaching tasks with research in the field of High Performance Computing, and is a participating member of the group named in the same way. This research work is made tangible in dozens of articles published in scientific magazines and international conferences. He has done research stays in several research centers (UCI, USA; IST, Portugal; NTUA, Greece; BSC, Spain). He regularly takes part in program committees and acts as associate editor and reviewer for scientific publications.

Final Degree Projects directed

Development of software components in the uLab scope


Main projects directed

University laboratory that allows the involvement and participation of UPC university students in Telefónica R&D development projects.