José Francisco
Project Manager
José Francisco

José Fco. Crespo is a computer scientist by Barcelona School of Informatics from Universitat Politècnica Catalunya (UPC). He received his MSc in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems from UPC. He has experienced in R+D projects and developing agile sotware projects. He is interested in applying techonology to collaboration environments and mobility. Currently he is involved in the development of web projects and mobile apps

Main projects directed

SEAT has contacted inLab FIB and LaCàN to raise the possibility of developing a joint project to scale the use of ARCO and the ePGD library, currently validated for simple models, to solve NVH parametric problems with a realistic car geometry.

Main projects participated

SUDOQU (enSUring Data with Ontological QUality) is a research project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the objective of which is the development of techniques to ensure data quality through the use of ontologies.