Efficient implementation of a computational engineering library by LaCàN

Duration of the project:
March, 2022 –
Project Manager
inLab FIB Team:
Areas of expertise involved in the project
Efficient implementation of a computational engineering library by LaCàN


LaCàN – Numerical Calculation Laboratory (https://www.lacan.upc.edu/) is a research group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, focused on the development of mathematical and computational models to enable quantitative science and engineering and predictive

LaCàN researchers have been developing academic codes based on MATLAB to demonstrate the feasibility of innovative computational engineering tools to simulate complex systems. In order to adapt these technologies to problems of interest to their industrial collaborators, it is essential to have an efficient implementation in C++ and an interface in a high-level programming language.

LaCàN has contacted the inLab FIB for support in these conversion, refactoring and code optimization tasks.