Mari Paz Linares wins the XIIth Abertis Prize

The Abertis-UPC Chair, with the aim of encouraging research, annually convenes the Abertis prizes. These award the best doctoral theses and the best final works of master or degree of the universities of Spain related to the management of infrastructures and transport services. Mari Paz has been awarded for her doctoral thesis: “A mesoscopic traffic […]

About a year ago I made a post about a stay at the University of Bergen by Staff Mobility week, following that experience I decided to organize an ICT week in the UPC, so I asked for help to the ICT community and Cabinet International Relations and Business (GRIiE). The team that came after talks […]

Intelligent System for the Management of Energy Efficient User Behavior in Buildings (ACE)

inLab participates in the Smart City Expo World Congress

Today, 18 November, has opened a new edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress conference on sustainability issues and model efficiency/optimization of resources in the management of smart cities. At our stand (F617, Hall 2) you can see the simulation results obtained from the configuration of building camps.
Simulation of dynamic population models in Korea.


Robustness, recoverability and congestion in public transport networks

María José Rodríguez on the cover of the UPC

Maria Jose Rodrigez makes it to the cover of the UPC website. In this interview she puts into words her thoughts on her experiences as a student of the Barcelona School of Informatics and as part of the inLab Team.
Modelling, simulation and analysis of the transport system with AGV of Almirall