Can we predict how busy the buses will be?


Last April 22, the newspaper El País, published a news item created by two technical project managers of inLab FIB, experts in Data Science and Big Data, Albert Obiols and Gonzalo Recio. The recently published news, explains how through historical data and neural networks, we can create predictive models that allow us to know the […]

Neural networks to predict bus occupancy

The inLab FIB is currently collaborating on a project called Intelibus, in conjunction with mobility company Autocorb and ICT software development company Geoactio, to develop a system for predicting passenger occupancy on buses.

The importance of creating and AI under the prism of equality


Authors that are external to the inLab FIB: Sara García Arias, criminologist and specialist in gender and equality Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly present in decision-making in many aspects of our lives: from purchase recommendation algorithms to the selection of candidates in job interviews. Due to the importance of AI systems in our society, it is necessary […]