e-Catalunya: Platform for collaboration and social networks

e-Catalunya: Platform for collaboration and social networks


e-Catalunya is a collaboration platform and social network that allows the Generalitat de Catalunya to offer the services of collaborative portals to different groups of users and professionals.

Our laboratory has collaborated since 2004 with the Directorate General of Citizen Services in the development and integration of the platform, in the extension of its use and in the incorporation of new functionalities and innovations. From 2010, it collaborates with the company ALTRAN, in charge of the evolutionary and corrective maintenance of this platform.

The e-Catalunya project was a finalist in 2009 in the European eGovernment Awards in the category of administrative efficiency and effectiveness (eGovernment enabling administrative efficiency and effectiveness).

Access the explanatory video of the e-Catalunya project on the portal of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Articles and presentations

Casanovas, J.; Crespo, J.F.; Martin, R.M. e-Catalunya: un entorno colaborativo y de red social. “BoletĂ­n de RedIRIS”, 2006, nĂșm. 78-79, p. 23-28.

“e-Catalunya: a social network platform”. Presentation in JRES 2007. Estrasburg, november 20-23, 2007.

e-Catalunya presentation in INCoS (International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, organized by Open Catalan University (UOC)
Barcelona, november 4-6, 2009.