Collaborating Professor of Data Science and Big Data

PhD in Computer Science and Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Services and Information Systems UPC expert in Big Data and Business Intelligence.

Oscar Romero is the coordinator at the UPC of the FIB master’s degree in Data Science and the Erasmus Mundus BDMA (Big Data Management and Analytics) master’s degree. He currently teaches advanced courses on data management (relational and non-relational; also known as NOSQL) in the master’s degrees mentioned before, as well as in the degrees of computer engineering and data science and engineering. He is also co-responsible for Big Data Management postgraduate Techniques and Analytics (BDMTA) at the UPC School.

His research focuses on the complete cycle of data management in highly complex environments (also known as Big Data) and the automation, as much as possible, of data process management for inexperienced and untrained users without technical knowledge (especially in the field of Data Science). More specifically, their interests focus on automating the design/implementation/self-tuning of intake, storage, modeling, processing, and access to data of interest of organizations analytical processes. This data can be very diverse in nature and be generated in very diverse formats, whether structured or unstructured, such as CSV, JSON, XML, graphs, text, images, and so on, and therefore, with a high degree of syntactic and semantic heterogeneity. Relevantly, in the world of Data Science, this data needs to be integrated and prepared for the desired analytical consumption while hiding these technical complexities from data analysts.

He has published a lot of articles in journals and research conferences in these areas, as well as several book chapters, and acts as an external reviewer in several conferences/journals. He has also given talks at international symposia and research groups and conducted two research visits to the Univ. Free Bozen-Bolzano and the Université François Rabelais de Tours. His collaborations include industrial projects with leading companies in this sector such as SAP, HP Labs, EURA NOVA and OMS, among others.

Doctoral theses completed

Automation of multidimensional data storage design


Main projects directed

Implement an experimental Big Data platform based on Open Source tools to facilitate and streamline processes to support data analysis and processing.

Main projects participated

Development and scaling of MoirAI, an intelligent platform for the optimization of Data-Driven Marketing processes focused on the tourism sector.