Fira de Projectes – Pizza Day

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Fira de Projectes – Pizza Day

Last wednesday, 6th of October, at 12:15h the Fira de Projectes – Pizza Day a la Plaça of FIB. Fira de Projectes consisted in an amazing opportunity to get all the  FIB  students to know which are the projects that are daily developing inside inLab FIB while they could have some pizza and drinks.

But, not everything ended there, the Fira began with an event in the auditorium of the FIB, where the dean of the FIB, Josep Fernandez Ruzafa, the Director of inLab FIB, Ernest Teniente and the Responsible in charge of the Talent Program Associated inLab FIB Director, Maria Ribera Sancho made an explanation to the students of the FIB and to the members of inLab FIB what is done at inLab FIB, as well as the areas of expertise from which projects are developed and in the same way, Maria Ribera did explain what the Talent Program was about. Next, Xavier Oriol presented the project: “UQJG: Identifying Transactions that Collaborate to Violate an SQL Assertion”, Jordi Montero presented the project “Transport de l’alumnat dels Centres d’Educació Especial de Barcelona” and finally Gonzalo Recio presented the project “Predicció d’ocupacions en el transport públic per carretera”.

Once the welcome ended, in  Plaça de la FIB, the students advertised to all the people there what  was inLab FIB about through posters, and little triptics.

While eating pizza, the Fair was held and from inLab FIB, we want to highlight it and we want to thank all the members of inLab FIB who were able to organize it and the students in training who made it possible for it to take place. We look forward to seeing you all at the next event that we will be celebrating and we hope that during the Fair you have enjoyed a lot and that you have been able to feel at home.


‘inLab FIB technical rensponsibles,  Xavier OriolJordi Montero i Gonzalo Recio, respectively, presenting their amazing projects.


                                                                                             Plaça de la FIB, where Fira de Projectes – Pizza Day was organised