Firefighting through optimization of ground logistics (FireFIGHT)

Parallel simulation by analysis of population dynamics in high performance environments.

Simulation in the lotting of paint in the SEAT factories

APP Rehab

NZEB. OptiSim in Sustainability

Simulation of the implementation of a fleet of AGVs at the Prat production plant

Receiving, picking and dispatch system at the Almirall laboratories plant.

Simulations: exploring reality, predicting the future

The magazine information de la UPC has made an interesting report on simulation, in which they talk about some of the most interesting projects in this field that inLab FIB is carrying out. The report is specifically in the February 2012 number of the magazine, starting on page 8. You can consult this issue at […]
Simulation of the flow of a snow avalanche.

Traffic management system for improving energy efficiency in automated driving metros