MediaMòbil: games prototype to show the convergence between TV and mobile phones

MediaMòbil: games prototype to show the convergence between TV and mobile phones


In 2005, telephones, and mobile devices in general, were undergoing a profound transformation. Far from the first devices to cover voice and SMS needs, the new terminals had location systems (GPS type), interactivity, and video capability. Parallel to this technological evolution, we also find an evolution in usage: MMPOG (Massive Multiplayer Online Games), video on demand, Interactive Marketing, Rich IM from cell phones; these are the frontier that the MediaMòbil project intends to explore.

A game-based prototype was established as a demonstration of the possibilities of convergence between TV on mobile, advanced interaction capabilities, TV and video streaming on mobile and location.

inLab FIB was in charge of project coordination and the study of peer-to-peer (P2P) solutions on mobile devices.

P2P is a type of network of devices in which there is no fixed client or server, the nodes act simultaneously as client and server with respect to the other devices. Due to its P2P characteristics, it leverages and optimizes the use of the broadband of the rest of the users by means of the connectivity of one with the others.