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Join our team where you will find a professional environment for the development of innovative projects.
Participate and get additional and complementary values, skills and abilities to those you will acquire in your ordinary studies, and that will help you position yourself as a future professional by fostering your capacity for entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.
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Talent Program
inLab FIB is a professional environment for the development of innovative projects that incorporates training as an objective in its own mission.
This program, directed by Professor Maria Ribera Sancho, associate director of the inLab FIB, aims to achieve, through curricular or extracurricular internships for students, a comprehensive training of the student that complements the one obtained with the regular studies.
- Teamwork
- Responsibility
- Commitment and Involvement
- Critical attitude
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Respect
- Honesty
- Autonomous learning
- Sustainability
- Social commitment
- Contribute to the integral formation of students by complementing their theoretical and practical learning.
- To facilitate the knowledge of the work methodology adequate to the professional reality in which the graduates will have to operate, contrasting and applying the knowledge acquired.
- Promote the development of technical, methodological, personal and participatory skills, appropriate to the studies they are pursuing.
- Obtain practical experience that facilitates insertion into the labor market and improves their future employability.
- Encourage the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.
- Strengthen the link between graduates and the institution.
The participation of companies in this program is articulated through sponsorship and collaboration in specific training projects aimed at the comprehensive training of students.
Students enrolled in any education provided by the UPC, especially students of the FIB, or by centers affiliated to the university.
The internships will be articulated through specific educational training programs, which can be carried out at inLab and complemented in companies and external entities of national and/or international scope.
We develop students’ talents
The main objective of the program is that the students who participate achieve additional and complementary values, skills and abilities to those acquired in their studies, boosting the employability of future professionals, fostering their capacity for entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and responding to the commitment to economic transformation based on the knowledge society.
Professional environment
Financial aid for students
Monitoring and evaluation
Program duration
Recognition and accreditation
Master's or Bachelor's Degree Final Project
Sponsors the Talent program
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