QaaS I: Qualification as a Service I (static part) per Aizon

Duration of the project:
May, 2019 –
January, 2020
Project Manager
inLab FIB Team:
Areas of expertise involved in the project
QaaS I: Qualification as a Service I (static part) per Aizon


QaaS I is a project born with the aim of analyzing, statically, the code structure of a software project to extract, automatically, various metrics that allow its qualification.

To carry out this analysis, what the inLab does in this project is to exploit metamodelling. In other words, several data structures are defined and instantiated which, at the same time, represent the data structures and operations specific to the target code. In this way, exhl project can be analyzed austively exploits the target code, traversing the instances of the metamodel, taking advantage of all the techniques specific to object orientation.