Control As A Service – CAAS

Duration of the project:
May, 2013 –
December, 2013
Project Manager
Areas of expertise involved in the project
With the funding of:
Control As A Service – CAAS


The objective of the project is to provide advice, technical support and quality control of the logical security architecture of the platform developed by the company SPEC, leader in solutions for presence control, productivity management and access control, within the framework of the CAAS (Control as a Service) project financed by the Avanza 2 program, Competitiveness Subprogram (R&D&I) 2012 of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

CAAS aims to provide the SPEC Group with an innovative technological solution at market level, based on Web Services and Cloud Computing, to offer flexible, scalable, and low-cost services to companies that need to control the presence of personnel, manage productivity and allocate time to tasks and projects even when they are not on the facilities.

The work to be carried out by inLab FIB and esCERT will consist of providing expert advice on computer security to SPEC’s technical team for the development of the CAAS project, with a view to recommending possible improvements to the proposed logical architecture and identifying possible risks.