Project Manager

Albert Renom is a Computer Engineer by the FIB. Currently working in the area of development of technological projects (ADEPT) of inLab FIB where it is linked since 2009 but has worked in other structural units of the UPC since 1997 (1997-2000  Terrassa Campus and 2000-2009 ETSETB). He has participated in different projects of R + D + i with public and private entities, statistical projects, collaborative environments, web development, mobile applications and GIS systems. Nowadays is developing a PLN project (Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural)

Final Degree Projects directed

Main projects directed

Information Technology Festival, an event promoted by the Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona and its alumni association, FIB Alumni.
Web application that captures multiple login information from a set of users to tune the accuracy of authentication and identification algorithms.
Operation and maintenance of the FIB Alumni portal, administration and dynamization of its content and social networks.

Main projects participated

Joint project of UPCNet and inLab FIB, the objective of which is to develop a prototype of a Talent portal for companies.
To attract the attention of pre-university students so that they focus their post-compulsory studies in the area of computer science.
Web application that captures multiple login information from a set of users to tune the accuracy of authentication and identification algorithms.

Blog articles