Project Manager

Albert Renom is a Computer Engineer by the FIB. Currently working in the area of development of technological projects (ADEPT) of inLab FIB where it is linked since 2009 but has worked in other structural units of the UPC since 1997 (1997-2000  Terrassa Campus and 2000-2009 ETSETB). He has participated in different projects of R + D + i with public and private entities, statistical projects, collaborative environments, web development, mobile applications and GIS systems. Nowadays is developing a PLN project (Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural)

Final Degree Projects directed

Main projects directed

Develop a system to generate surveys for the evaluation process of the teaching quality of subjects and programs.
It aims to give visibility to the emotions involved in the learning experience of UOC students.
Reduce energy consumption of air conditioning systems and manufacturing processes in the automotive industry by at least 10%.

Main projects participated

Improvement of pre-existing services and the creation of those not yet developed by the Fastprk2 system and its integration with Mobility.
Integration of the Slack communication tool with the different group work tools available at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
It allows to add the whole offer and to promote the Ibero-American Knowledge Space and the academic mobility of our students, teachers and researchers

Blog articles