The agreement to carry out the City-Walking project is signed.

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The agreement to carry out the City-Walking project is signed.

On October 2, inLab FIB signed an agreement with the Terrassa City Council, the Terrassa Health Consortium and Mútua de Terrassa to promote the Pilot Test. In the same act the City of Terrassa, and the City Council in its name, grants the International Award  Living Labs Global Award 2012  for the project “City Walking”, a en Toni Guasch y a en Jaume Figueras, de l’inLab FIB, por su solución al reto estratégico en el ámbito de la salud comunitaria que ha planteado el Ayuntamiento de Terrassa dentro de esta iniciativa internacional.

More information about the City-Walking project

More information about the Living Labs Global Award