inLabers winners at DigiEduHack

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inLabers winners at DigiEduHack

Last 3rd and 4th of October took place the DigiEduHack at the Campus Nord of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya with the organization of inLab FIB. This is the first year that DigiEduHack is being held in Barcelona and, at the same time, it was being held in different countries around the world, each with its own specific challenge.

At the headquarters of Barcelona the main challenge was to face one of the most important problems for some time and that we consider of great interest: “Encourage women present in the IT world” proposed by InnoEnergy, the challenge was to develop solutions that allow the promotion of technical and technical studies among women, especially in computer science. Currently, only a small percentage of the license plates are for girls. It is important to note that the IT sector is the fastest growing sector in our country and in which many quality jobs are generated. Women are left out of this whole labour market and opportunities given the low percentage of women who decide to do these studies.

The other challenge that was proposed in the DigiEduHack was: “How can we figure our studies success?” proposed by SkyLab (one of the sponsors) was to make a design that allows students to explore how the studies they want to do will help them achieve their goals based on the successful career or professional experience of other people.

The group of participants “J4rv1s” of the inLab FIB formed by Marta Gil, Karol Djanashvili, Mario Albo, Victor Diví, Gonzalo Recio and Quim Lzarzaro won the prize of the challenge proposed by Skylab. They proposed a decision support system for interested students.