What tools do you need to get started with Big Data?

Since the creation of the Internet and increasingly, we have had data generated by many applications and we have within reach waiting to be used. Once, having and consuming all this enormous material could become a task virtually impossible or unfeasible both economically and technologically.
UOC Índex. Using Learning Analytics to measure elearning

An emotional thermometer for teaching

Learning analytics – PILARES

Big Data applied to sport

If we pay attention at the workout images of the greatest football teams, we can see that the players wear a sort of black jacket. This has recently appeared, so you may not know what this has to do with our area. The elite clubs are fully getting into the technology world. We all know […]
What is a Data Scientist?

“Data science,” was born of the scientific method, is the evolution of what has hitherto been known as a data analyst, but unlike it, data scientist should explore and analyze data from multiple sources, often huge (known as Big data), which may have very different formats. Data scientist also has a strong business vision to […]
Big Data Analytics Lab

Learning analytics – UPCnet


Consultancy and collaboration in the development of CKEina