TurnItOn – Telecommuting

Remote turning of equipment

For those people who want to remotely connect to their computer to do telecommuting or to have their usual environment in a meeting, TurnItOn offers the possibility of telecommuting by turning on your computer remotely.

Decreased Energy Consumption

These aspects make TurnItOn an ideal tool for any company with a large number of computers that are on for long periods of time, being unused and causing a high power consumption.


PCs turned off at night

One of the features of TurnItOn is the automatic shutdown of all computers from a certain time. This way the PCs do not stay on unnecessarily for long periods of time.

Origin of TurnItOn

In 2014, an energy saving plan was launched at the UPC and energy optimization projects (POE), investments in energy efficiency and a SIRENA monitoring system, among other actions, began to be promoted.

Taking the opportunity, inLab FIB created a project with the aim of solving some problems in the energy context that were found in the FIB work environment. Some of the problems were machines that stayed on all night unnecessarily, because telecommuting staff had to leave their machines on because there was no method for remote ignition.

The tool

TurnItOn is a tool that emerged in the context of energy saving, both in terms of costs and in terms of the environment. Many of the workers’ computers were turned on by forgetfulness and sometimes out of necessity (if the worker wanted to work from home) with the costs involved, more than 12 hours consuming energy unnecessarily.

Thus we can define TurnItOn as a web platform from which the energy status of the computers in the work environment is managed, ensuring that they are only turned on for the necessary time, thus reducing energy consumption and at the same time, providing the worker with a simple tool. to be able to turn on and off your computer whenever and from wherever you want, being an essential tool for teleworking.

With the development of this tool we have managed to turn off every day all the computers that were forgotten and we have also managed that workers who needed to have the computer longer, can do it by managing the shutdown and startup themselves and offering it the ability to do it from home.

This tool allows:

  • Schedule smart shutdown of computers.
  • Define a schedule for starting and stopping computers.
  • It allows the start-up of the computer remotely, it is very useful and necessary if you want to work from home, once turned on the worker can be connected by remote desktop.
  • Check the power status (if they are on or off) of the computers.