Machine: P2PTV and advanced audiovisual services

Duration of the project:
May, 2006 –
July, 2007
Project Manager
inLab FIB Team:
Areas of expertise involved in the project
Machine: P2PTV and advanced audiovisual services


The main objective of the Machine research project was the design and development of different mechanisms for the transmission of audiovisual content in both real-time and time-shifted mode in heterogeneous environments, and the construction of the necessary prototypes to emulate network environments that are not yet on the market.

inLab FIB participated in the work package PT2: Advanced systems for the distribution and management of high quality video, where the concept of P2PTV (P2PTV live streaming) and advanced audiovisual services based on the MPEG21 audiovisual standard (DRM, Content Management…) were worked on. As a result of the project, the P2PTV coolruc application was developed, which allowed users to send and receive a live video or audio stream and was integrated with a SAML-based SSO system.