Aquesta persona ha acabat la seva estada amb nosaltres a l’inLab FIB

Dr. Manuel Garcia-Cervigón professor in the Department of Computer Architecture at the UPC and head of the Cybersecurity of the inLab.FIB-esCERT. EsCERT representative in FIRST (, global Forum for Incident Response and Security Teams.

Doctorate in 2012. He began his career in 1999 and has since participated in many projects related to forensic investigation, audit and implementation of detection and protection systems. He also participated in several R&D projects.

His research is related pentesting and malware detection on mobile devices.

Final Degree Projects directed

Main projects directed

Plan and specify the creation of a centralized system for the control and analysis of security records of the Catalan Universities.

Main projects participated

Allows monitoring an organization’s software products and notifies, on a daily basis, if any of these products present any vulnerability.