OpenStreetMap at the Festa de la Ciència i la Tecnologia (Science and Technology Festival)

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OpenStreetMap at the Festa de la Ciència i la Tecnologia (Science and Technology Festival)

The Barcelona Science and Technology Festival will be held in Barcelona on June 16th and 17th. As you already know, I’m really into OpenStreetMap free maps, and we’re organizing a couple of activities (besides, inLab FIB provides the party with computer equipment, thanks!!!).

1.- To make the map of the zoological park

2.- Identification of the plants of the park of the citadel, analysis of pollen and introduction in the map of the park The activities are addressed to families with children, parents with children, children with children, children with children, children with children, children with children, etc… because the party is aimed above all to the kids to know science and technology (or so they explained to me).

The activity to go to make the map of the Zoo is on Sunday, the 17th, at 11:00h. in the morning, and it is called “Dades obertes (Open data)”. If you want to come you have to click on “Inscripció espai 12” and fill in the form (Ah, don’t forget where it says “1 adult and 2 children”, it can also be 2 adults and 1 child, 2 adults+2 children, 1 adult+1 child, etc.).

The entrance will be on the side -Passeig Circumval-lació, 3-, at 11:00 h. The deadline for returning the papers with the locations will be 15:00, to the tent that will be set up for this purpose. Admission to the zoo will be free.​