NZEB in “Greencities & sustainability”

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NZEB in “Greencities & sustainability”

Pau Fonseca, inLab collaborating professor presented the NZEB OptiSim project at the ” Greencities & sustainability, 3º Salón de la Eficiencia Energética y Sostenibilidad en la edificación y Espacios Urbanos ”  carried out at the inLab FIB.

“Greencities & sustainability” is a professional forum to discuss and deepen aspects related to energy efficiency obtained through ICT in various fields, such as building, urban spaces, mobility and environmental aspects.

Pau presented the NZEB OptiSim simulation system in the building area. This simulator makes it possible to optimize all the processes related to the construction of a building, minimizing the environmental, economic and social impact to the maximum.

During his presentation he explained the operation of the simulator, as well as the difficulties that had to be overcome during the realization of the project such as defining the physical structure of the building and the complex relationships between all the elements of the model and power transmit this information to a team made up of personnel with very different experience and training.

He also referred to the work tools used, emphasizing the use of a formal language to represent the dynamic behavior of a model that showed the life cycle of a building and the co-simulation techniques to combine different simulation engines thus obtaining the best of each.

Finally, an application of the simulator was presented in the LOW3 building, presented at the Solar Decathlon 2010 competition under the direction of Professor Torsten Masseck of the ETSAV (UPC).