Meritxell Pacheco, winner of the “5th Abertis International Research Award in Transportation”

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Meritxell Pacheco, winner of the “5th Abertis International Research Award in Transportation”

The  Abertis-UPC professorship amb la finalitat d’incentivar la investigació convoca anualment els premis Abertis. Cada una de les Càtedres Abertis sobre Gestió d’Infraestructures del Transport convoca anualment el Premi Abertis, que premia a les millores tesis doctorals de les universitats del país d’origen de cada càtedra.

The Abertis-UPC Professorship in order to encourage research annually calls the Abertis Awards. Each of the Abertis Chairs on Transport Infrastructure Management annually announces the Abertis Award, which awards the best doctoral theses of the universities of the country of origin of each chair. The Abertis Prize is the preamble to the Abertis Chair’s International Prize, also on Transport Infrastructure Management.

The winners of each national edition, go on to participate in the International Prize, obtaining from the latter the absolute winners of the different participating countries.

The Meritxell Pacheco, who had worked at inLab in transport and urban mobility projects, has been awarded both nationally and internationally for her doctoral thesis: “Traffic parameters estimation from the analysis of connected car data” directed by Jaume Barceló and Lídia Montero.

You can read the new: “La Xarxa de Càtedres Abertis entrega el seu Premi Internacional més global” in the Abertis Fundation web.

Congratulations Meritxell!