Fet a mida – Mobile phones also catch viruses


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Fet a mida – Mobile phones also catch viruses

In recent weeks, there has been a trend on social media to talk about Pegasus, a spy virus only available to countries, following the discovery of this type of malware on the devices of some political figures. For this reason, René Serral and Manel Medina, professors at the FIB, have been invited to the space of ‘Fet a mida’, a magazine of the entity ‘the network’, to talk about cybersecurity.

One of the peculiarities of Pegasus is the ability to exploit system defects that allow you to infect a smartphone without the user performing any action, 0 clicks. This type of spyware, in addition to entering your files, contacts, apps among others, as a traditional virus would, also aims to use both the camera and the microphone to spy on the daily life of the owner of the infected device.

Although mobile phones are inherently more secure than other devices, there are other, less sophisticated ways to infect them that depend on the owner’s permission, even if unknowingly. For this reason it is recommended to use only software that we recognize, not to download applications from unofficial platforms and not to forget that a physical attack is also possible.


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