Delivery of accreditations of the Talent Program course 22-23

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Delivery of accreditations of the Talent Program course 22-23

In the Academic Act of the Degree in Computer Engineering studies of the 2022-2023 academic year that took place last friday, 18th of november, Ernest Teniente, inLab FIB Director, delivered the accreditacions of the Talent Program to the graduates of the 2021-22 year. The students who have achieved this recognition this year are: Dídac Alsina Garcia, Marc Amorós Trepat, Aniol Carbó Marchuet, Arnau Casas Saez, Oriol Catasus Llena, Sergi Curto Panisello, Karol Djanashvili Tavdiash, Alexandre Gràcia Calvo, Pau-Sebastià Martín Galindo, Nahum Manuel Martin Vegas, Josep Daniel Medialdea Rosales, Armando Rodriguez Ramos, Víctor Sánchez Gassull, Sergi Vidiella Curto, Oriol Viladrosa Gonfaus and Eduard Pujol.

The inLab FIB incorporates training in a real learning environment as an objective of its own mission through the Talent formation program. The mission of this program is to provide students with comprehensive training through curricular or extracurricular internships that complement the training they obtain during their studies. Through the program, and thanks to the support of the sponsoring companies, students enjoy financial aid and participate in the development of innovative projects in the ICT field, improving their skills and competencies with the support of professional tutors.

TheTalent accreditation is awarded to those students who have participated for a significant time in the program and have acquired the required competencies.

Ernest Teniente, inLab FIB Director, during the academic act of 2022-2023

Programa Talent students – Curs 2022 – 2023

  • Total number of tutored students in 2022 – 2023: 43
  • Talent’s new students: 20
  • TFG/PFC inside Talent: 12
  • International students: 1
  • Industrial doctorates: 2
  • Graduates with Talent recognition: 15 Grau en Enginyeria informàtica i 1 Màster in Innovation and Research in Informatics