Delivery of accreditations of the Talent Program course 20-21


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Delivery of accreditations of the Talent Program course 20-21

Last Thursday, November 4, the accreditations were delivered to the graduates of the Talent Program within the framework of the academic act of the 2021-22 academic year. The students who have achieved this recognition are: Mathias Bertorelli Argibay, Álex Catalán Muñoz, Jordi Cluet Martinell, Marc Manzanares Díez, Alejandro David Mas Ciurana, David Sirera Pulido, Ferran Maria Toda Casaban.

InLab FIB incorporates training as an objective in its own mission through the Talent training program in which UPC students participate. The mission of the Talent Program is to achieve, through the curricular or extracurricular practices of the students, a comprehensive training of the student that complements that obtained with the ordinary follow-up of the studies. Through the program, and thanks to the support of the sponsoring companies, students enjoy financial aid and participate in the in the development of innovative projects in the field of ICT, improving their skills and competencies with the support of professional tutors.

Talent accreditation is awarded to students who have participated in the program for 18 months.


Ernest Teniente, director of inLab FIB, during theacademic year 2021-2022

Students of the Talent Program – Academic year 2020 – 2021

  • Total number of tutored students course 2020 – 2021: 58
  • New Talent students: 27
  • TFG/PFC Talent: 13
  • International students: 1
  • Industrial doctorates: 2
  • Graduates with Talent recognition: 7 Degree in Computer Engineering