Capgemini Innovation Day 2022 – Generalitat of Catalonia


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Capgemini Innovation Day 2022 – Generalitat of Catalonia

On July 7, an innovation session was held in Barcelona, ​​​​organized by Capgemini, aimed at the Generalitat de Catalunya with special emphasis on Digital Transformation with social impact.

Throughout the day, issues that are relevant to citizens and companies were discussed. New paradigms that are emerging so that technology and innovation achieve a better and greater impact on society were analyzed.

With the aim of reaching a digital transformation with social impact, this event convened a public administration, a third sector entity, the scientific-technological world and the entrepreneurial world. Specifically, the entities invited to participate in the discussion table were:

  • Generalitat of Catalonia Administration. We transform digitally to achieve a better social impact towards citizens and companies.
  • Red Cross. Social innovation, provides data that should alert us, the need to promote new models of social behavior and new models of social care, the need for a more sustainable society, acting as a community, among others.
  • Utopya innovation for goods, represented by its CEO Borja Baturone. Start-ups ‘for goods’.
  • InLab FIB, represented by the director Ernest Teniente.
  • Capgemini. New paradigms in this field, supporters and opponents of degrowth and new business models ‘based on abundance’.

With this diverse group, they discussed the need for those who are dedicated to digital transformation not to lose sight of the idea of ​​creating a more sustainable, more inclusive and more egalitarian society.

The attendees continued their experience at the Innovation Day by choosing one of the three workshops (CX Focus, Cloud Focus, Data Focus) in areas where technology and innovation can achieve great impacts for a better version of society (society 5.0 ) and where an attempt was made to provide a look at what other countries are doing.

Then, at 12:15 p.m., the Vice President Jordi Puigneró arrived with Luis Abad (CEO of Capgemini in Spain), gave a short speech and inaugurated the renovated Capgemini headquarters in Barcelona as a result of the merger of Altran with Capgemini.

Finally, we leave a synthesized version of the schedule for the day: