On May 10, 11 and 12, the Barcelona Cybersecurity Congress – IoT Solutions World Congress was held. This is an event that showcases innovative solutions and technologies that are disrupting and transforming the industry and honors business and technology executives by creating a powerful competitive advantage.
In the BCC, in addition to the main talks, there also were secondary activities such as the hacking competition “Hunting Mummy Spider CTF” (Capture The Flag), organized by Crowdstrike and based on the Falcon Console, so it was necessary to use this console created by Crowdstrike. The Falcon Console is a SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), or in other words, a platform from which you seek to identify threats quickly and see where they come from.
This CTF consisted over the course of an hour to find out the extent of an intrusion through the analysis of equipment, users, processes, ports, domains, network requests and Firewall rules, among others, to finally obtain the identifier of an AWS security group that had been modified to establish a connection through port 5150. The identifier of the security group was the final flag that when delivered, the stopwatch stopped.
We want to congratulate our inLab FIB collegues Bernat Calvo, Oriol Deiros and Hèctor Godoy as they obtained the second place in the challenge.