Auto Meeting 2022

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Auto Meeting 2022

The Automotive and Eco-Mobility UPC Meeting will take place the next 20th of June in Centre de Formació Professional de l’Automoció de Martorell at 11:00h. To obtain tickets you can access to the Auto Meeting Portal.

This is a conference organized by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech in the framework of the activities of Auto Meeting 2022, of the Clúster de la Indústria de l’Automoció de Catalunya (CIAC).

The UPC has taken on the challenge of managing this center with the aim of becoming a benchmark in training for the automotive and mobility industry in Catalonia, as well as a key point of contact between the business, knowledge and innovation sectors, supporting territorial economic development projects in the surrounding area.

During the day we propose you to visit the CFPAM facilities, to know the main lines of the training project that the UPC is designing for the center, as well as to have a detailed vision of the capacities of our university, teachers and R+D+I towards the transformation of mobility, in connection with the needs of companies in the sector.

Next, you have the meeting schedule. Don’t doubt participating.


11:00h – Reception of attendees and free visit.

  • Reception of attendees at CFPA facilities.
  • Free and oriented visit through the rooms of the center, to know both the R+D+I capacities and training of the UPC as well as an exhibition area (showroom), where you can see the latest developments and outstanding projects in automotive and mobility carried out by research groups and entities of the UPC.

11:40h – Access and location in the CFPA Assembly Hall.

  • Mentimeter – Consultation of opinion regarding needs and expectations in training, knowledge and talent towards the automotive industry.

11:50h – Welcome and presentation of the UPC Project for CFPA.

  • Welcome by the Rector of the UPC, Rector Mgfc. Mr. Daniel Crespo.
  • Welcome by President of CIAC, Mr. Josep Maria Vall.
  • Welcome by Martorell’s city mayor, Il·lm. Mr. Xavier Fonollosa.
  • Video Presentation of UPC.
  • Presentation of the UPC project for the CFPA by a person in charge of the UPC.
  • FAQ time.

12:35h – Round table: The transformation of the Automotive and Mobility sector through training, knowledge and talent. Moderated by Mr. Josep Nadal, CIAC Clúster Manager.

  • Mr. Lluís Jofre, CARNET-UPC
  • Rector Mgfc. Mr. Daniel Crespo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Mr. Josep Maria Vall, President of Clúster de la Indústria d’Automoció de Catalunya
  • Representative of the Department of Labour – SOC
  • Representant of Martorell’s Town Hall
  • FAQ time.

13:20h – Ending by Mr. Enric Vinaixa, Secretary of Labour of the Department of Enterprise and Labour of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

13:30h – Café networking