The inLab FIB is a member of
inLab FIB is incorporated as a member of the following technology companies in Catalonia and Europe, with which we will strengthen the relationship and collaborate to carry out multidisciplinary projects.
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an entity created by the European Union in 2008 to strengthen Europe’s ability to innovate.
The EIT is an integral part of Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Research and Innovation program.
The Innovation and Technology Center of the UPC (CIT UPC) makes the knowledge, developments and technologies generated by the powerful research activity of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya available to companies and organizations, both public and private, to promote innovation.
The Digital Cluster is a meeting space formed by a group of companies, entities and research groups with a nexus of union: ICT. It brings together start-ups, SMEs, large companies and other entities to promote the competitiveness of the Catalan ICT sector, promoting a new business culture based on collaboration and open innovation.
CARNÉ is a knowledge hub on automotive technology and science, focused on urban mobility in Barcelona.
Its ambition is to be a benchmark in this area.
Barcelona SportsTech HUB23 is a sports hub that is creating a sustainable ecosystem with a field of sports services beyond coworking and aims to be an international benchmark and attract talent and investment.
The DIH4CAT works as a dynamic community integrating agents with capabilities in the field of digital technologies and Industry 4.0 and complements its competences and knowledge through its regional and international interconnection with other DIHs and innovative ecosystems.