
The NECADA project wins the UPC Prize for the Valorisation of Research

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) has awarded the UPC Research Valorisation Awards, an initiative of the UPC's Social Council that distinguishes the work of the …


October 03

An inLab team were awarded in HackEPS

In inLab FIB is common talking and sharing anecdotes with colleagues with whom you share workspace, although you not always have the chance to work …


December 12

inLaber winner of NASA ‘s MarsXR Challenge

Recreating scenarios with conditions similar to those of Mart so that the astronauts can train can be very costly. For this reason, NASA is using …


October 27

FIB mention to inLab FIB in Festibity 2022

This October 5, the annual event of Festibity was held again, which took place in terminal D of the Port of Barcelona. Festibity is a …


October 11

Barcelona Cybersecurity Congress – IOT Solutions World Congress 2022

On May 10, 11 and 12, the Barcelona Cybersecurity Congress – IoT Solutions World Congress was held. This is an event that showcases innovative solutions …


May 16

Ernest Teniente and Maria Ribera Sancho receive the UPC Award for the Quality of University Teaching in the Teaching Initiative category

During the Inauguration Act of the Academic Year 2021-2022, the teacher Ernest Teniente,InLab FIB director, an the professor Maria Ribera Sancho, Associated director of inLab FIB, collected the 24th Premi …


October 08

inLab FIB wins the 24th UPC Quality in University Teaching Award 2021

The Talent program of inLab FIB has won the 24th UPC Award for Quality in University Teaching 2021 in the Teaching Initiative Award category. The …


May 31


Sergi Nadal, coordinator of a project awarded by the Barcelona City Council

The Barcelona City Council awards fifteen scientific research prizes, allocating 1.2 million euros to promote projects that address the pandemic in the city of Barcelona. With …


March 22


TurnItOn, finalist at the enerTIC Awards

Our project "Energy optimization system for telework assistance" has been a finalist in the Solutions and Services category of the enerTIC Awards 2020innovation and technology …


September 29


Winners of the DigiEduHack 2019

  After the successful DigiEduHack that was held on October 3 and 4, more than 4200 people around the world have voted for their favorite solution to …


December 18


inLabers win in the Hack of Viladecans

  On November 22 and 23, the Hackathon ETI was held, a hackathon organized by Viladecans City Council in collaboration with the "Diputation of Barcelona" with …


December 02

inLabers winners at HackEPS

On November 23 and 24, the third edition of HackEPS was held, a hackathon organized by the Escola Politècnica Superior of the University of Lleida …


November 25

inLabers winners at the Citython Hack

On November 6, 10 and 11, the Citython Hack took place in Barcelona within the framework of the Smart City Week, an initiative of the …


November 25

Lídia Montero distinguished in the 1st UPC Prize for Social Commitment

The 1st UPC Prize for Social Commitment, addressed to the University community, has distinguished the work in this area of the UNESCO Chair of Sustainability, …


October 24


inLabers winners at the HackUPC

Last 11, 12 and 13 of october the sixth edition of the HackUPC was held. In each edition, different sponsors propose certain challenges to solve. …


October 14

Entrega de premis

inLabers are awarded with prizes at the Inauguration Ceremony of the Academic Year 2019-2020

On the 4th of october the inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2019-2020 was held at UPC, where prizes were awarded to all those entities, …


October 11

inLabers winners at DigiEduHack

Last 3rd and 4th of October took place the DigiEduHack at the Campus Nord of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya with the organization of inLab …


October 05

The Rocket Team wins a second prize at the Hackathon Mobility BCN 2019

Last March 23, the Hackathon Mobility BCN 2019 was celebrated, where the Team Rocket, formed by Sergio Paredes, Gisela Ruzafa, Juan Salmerón, Pau Torrents, Elena Izquierdo, …


April 04


La Nit de les Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica gives Marcel Coderch and Manel Medina the Honor Award

On March 18, la 24 Nit de les Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica was held, a pioneering and refrence act of the Telecommunications and Information Technologies …


March 20


Traffic Simulation Lifetime Achievement premi won by Dr. Jaume Barceló

The “Traffic Simulation Lifetime Achievement Award”  recognises  an extended series of scientific and/or professional contributions over the course of at least 20 years. Jaume Barceló was …


January 24


Team inLaber winner of 4 awards in the HackEPS

On November 16, 17 and 19 the HackEPS was held, a hackathon organized by the University of Lleida and sponsored by Semic, BonÀrea, Stratesys and …


November 27

Imatge hackupc

InLabers winners of three prizes at the HackUPC

On 19, 20 and 21 October took place the fifth edition of the UPC Hack. In this edition, different prizes were awarded by each of …


October 24


InLab team winner of the RailMap Challenge

The 5th and 6th of October will be held in the RAIL MAP CHALLENGE, a 24 hour hackathon organized by ATM and SmartCatalonia. It has …


October 10

Entrega premios

inLab team awarded at the ZooHackathon 2018

Illegal trafficking and poaching of wild fauna and flora species has become one of the illicit activities of great concern worldwide, threatening the security, natural …


September 25


InLab team wins Digital Health Hackathon 2018

The Digital Health Hackathon 2018, organized by Accenture and the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, took place on the 2nd and 3rd of June in the …


June 13

Premi ITS

The Virtual Mobility Lab receives the ITS Award in Urban Traffic

During the XIV edition of the Spanish Congress about Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), celebrated from Aprils 17 to Aprils 19 in Madrid, Lídia Montero from inLab FIB and …


April 24

Hackathon mobility

InLabers winners of the Hackathon Mobility BCN

The objective was to form interdisciplinary teams to create applications that can provide solutions to future mobility problems. The competition was planned participation in three …


March 15


CARNET, recognized with the National Research Award in public-private partnership

The research and innovation hub Cooperative Automotive Research Network (CARNET) -driven by the UPC, Volkswagen Group Research and SEAT- and focused on the automotive and …


January 10

Fotografia premi Ester

Ester Lorente receives the Dona TIC 2017 award

On December 14, the 12x12 Congress "The Great New Year's Encounter" will be held. The 12 × 12 Congress is an annual event aimed at bringing …


December 11

presentacio projecte hackprague

HackPrague 2017

During the weekend of June 17 and 18 the first edition of the HackPrague took place and of course, some members of the inLab could …


June 26


HackAtH2On, how many songs do you take to shower?

The HackAtH2On was held on May 13 and 14 at the Agbar de les Aigües Museum in Cornellà. This hackathon is different from most. The objective …


May 15

Participants inLabers fora l'edifici de Microsoft

A group of inLab hackers assault the CopenHacks!

From 22 to 23 April 2017 was held CopenHacks, a hackathon that took place in Copenhagen and where the 150 participants have had 24 hours to …


April 26


L’inLab FIB a la Hackaton Mobility BCN!

Last March (11,18 and 19) the Hackaton Mobility BCN was held at UPC organized by CARNET and sponsored by SEAT and ALTRAN. In this edition, …


April 03

Meritxell Pacheco, winner of the “5th Abertis International Research Award in Transportation”

The  Abertis-UPC professorship amb la finalitat d'incentivar la investigació convoca anualment els premis Abertis. Cada una de les Càtedres Abertis sobre Gestió d’Infraestructures del Transport convoca anualment el …


February 10


Lidia Montero has been awarded the prize Mujer y Gestión del Tráfico

Lidia Montero Mercadé, transport and smart mobility researcher at inLab FIB and associate professor of the UPC, has been awarded with the prize "Mujer y …


November 11

Jaume Barcelo y MPaz

Mari Paz Linares wins the XIIth Abertis Prize

The Abertis-UPC Chair, with the aim of encouraging research, annually convenes the Abertis prizes. These award the best doctoral theses and the best final works …


May 28


Jaume Barceló named professor emeritus at the UPC

On June 21, the Governing Council of the university approved the nominee of Jaume Barceló member of the InLab FIB, attached to the Department of …


July 29

Menció FIB Festibity 2014 Rosa Maria Martín

Festibity 2014 FIB Mention to Rosa Maria Martín

On May 8, the festibity, the party of information and communication technologies, took place at the Disseny Hub Barcelona. Act promoted by the School of …


May 12


Festibity 2013 Mention FIB to Jaume Barceló

On April 25, at the Disseny Hub Barcelona took place the festibity , the feast of information and communication technologies. Act that is promoted by …


May 01


Jaume Figueras, guanyador del premi Living Labs Global Award 2012

Jaume Figueras, head of GIS projects at inLab FIB, with the collaboration of Toni Guasch, has won this year's Living Labs Global Award for …


May 03