Introduction to computer security (advanced level)


Course focused on the area of information security with the aim of introducing the student to computer attack detection and prevention techniques.

The course pursues the development of a professional profile that allows to reduce the risks arising from IT threats in companies and public entities. Participants are expected to acquire the necessary knowledge to understand and put into practice the basic procedures of the entire security cycle: from risk assessment to forensic analysis through system auditing and element monitoring.

The activity has a completely practical nature, so at least 50% of the time will be based on the resolution of different cases through the knowledge acquired with the help of a highly qualified professional.

Is required knowledges prior of networks TCP/IP like this handling Linux systems at the user level. Doesn’t have that the Student have knowledges prior of security Informatics.

Introduction to computer security (advanced level)


  1. Introduction (1 hour)
    • Cicle of security
    • Incident management
    • risks
      • LAB 1.1 Risk analysis
  2. Threats and Audits (3 hours)
    • Information Gathering
    • Discovering Vulnerabilities
      • LAB 2.1: Practical OWASP methodology
    • Penetration Testing
      • LAB 2.2: Metasploitable
      • LAB 2.3: Web Server practice
  3. Protection systems (2 hours)
    • Firewalls: Iptables
    • Proxies: Squid
      • LAB 3.1: Secured the network
  4. Detection and Monitoring (3 hours)
    • IDS: snort
    • Antivirus
    • Logs centralitzation: Splunk and OSSIM
  5. Forensic analysis (6 hours)
    • Data acquisition
    • FAT and Ext3/4
    • LAB 5.1: File system analysis
    • NTFS
    • LAB 5.2: TimeLine Study
    • Malware
    • LAB 5.3: Binary analysis

Benefits for the participant

  • Know and apply at a basic level the techniques of detection and prevention of computer risks.
  • Develop the ability to reduce risks arising from computer threats in all types of organizations.
  • Know the basics and an introduction to the methodologies at the different levels of the security cycle: from the identification and measurement of risks, the auditing of systems, the forensic analysis and the monitoring of elements.
  • Enable access, if sufficient prior knowledge is not available, to the following courses in the program to obtain the Network Security Manager qualification.

To whom it is addressed

  • Responsables de seguretat informàtica dels departaments TIC de les organitzacions que vulguin accedir a l’Acreditació en Network Security Manager o actualitzar i posar al dia els seus coneixements en l’àmbit de la Cyberseguretat.
  • Estudiants d’Informàtica i/o Telecomunicacions que vulguin orientar la seva carrera professional en l’àrea de la seguretat informàtica.
  • Professionals interested in expand your knowledge theoric and practical in un theme of growing importance for departments of IT and control intern of the organitzations.